- Author: Hal Elrod
- Publisher: John Murray UK
- Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Link Amazon : Book Miracle Morning
- Pages: 204
- Time to Read: 3 Days
🚀 The Book in 3 Sentences
- Do the S.A.V.E.R.S every morning and use that momentum for the whole day
- S.A.V.E.R.S consists of Silence, Affirmation, Visualization, Exercise, Read, and scribbling
- Use the early morning of your life to work for yourself and your mind
Who Should Read It?
Honestly, I think this book is for everyone who likes self-improvement. Because this book will improve every person’s morning.
✍️ My Top 3 Quotes
“How you do anything is how you do everything. ”
“Where you are is a result of who you were, but where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be.”
“Be grateful for all that you have, accept all that you don’t, and actively create all that you want.”
📒 Summary
Step-by-Step guide for your morning
- Set Your Intentions the Night Before. This is the most important step. Remember: your first thought in the morning is usually the last thought you had before bed, so take responsibility for creating genuine excitement for the next morning, every night before bed.
- Keep Your Alarm Clock Across the Room. Remember: movement creates energy
- Brush Your Teeth. Use Listerine for extra oomph!
- Drink a Full Glass of Water. Hydrate yourself, ASAP.
- Dress in Your Workout Clothes. Earn your A.M. shower!
And then let your miracle morning begin.
1. S for Silence
The benefits of doing mental exercises like Meditation, Breathing, or Praying have long been proved by science, and so the miracle morning must contain some sort of mental workout. After the Silence Phase, you will feel that the stress is relieved, and you will fall into a state of deep relaxation and peacefulness.
2. A for Affirmations
Affirmations are in the field of Self-Improvement a controversial topic. Some say it is over-hyped, and some say that the benefits changed their lives. We can agree on is that Rereading or Vocalizing your goals for life will strengthen the bond to your goals, commitment and motivation.
3. V for Visualization
Visualization is something that is often linked with sports, but visualization is a gamer changer if used for visualizing the day. How it works is you visualize your optimal day. You imagine you succeed in everything you have set for the day, and you feel the emotions that would arise if you would succeed. How far you visualize the future is up to you, but there are a lot of people who visualize themselves very far in the future. A very popular example is the funeral visualization from the book “7 habits of highly effective people”
4. E for Exercise
Exercise is one of the most important things in self-improvement, and the benefits are widely backed up by science. If you exercise in the morning, it has a tremendous effect on your energy levels during the day. Also, because of the higher blood flow in your body, you become motivated for the day, and you will not feel any tiredness in the morning. The best thing is we don’t talk about an hour of intense workout. We talk about some push-ups, sit-ups, or even yoga. So if you don’t already work out in the morning, you got to change that.
5. R for Reading
Everyone knows the benefits of reading, and everyone wishes he would read more. And that’s why it is perfect to do the reading in the morning when your willpower is not yet depleted from the day. You mustn’t feel obliged to read a whole book in the morning. Instead, it is okay to just read a few pages or just a single chapter. And because you have done the exercise before, you will not feel tired, and you will be able to read will full concentration.
6. S for Scribing
Scribing is the art of spontaneous and off-the-hook writing. It’s all from writing a journal to writing an actual book. With that, you can free your mind from things that are stuck in your head. You can write down your daily to-dos and your most important tasks for your day. Or you write a dream journal where you write down what you dreamed about. It is up to you. I personally write my blog, the one you are reading right now.
☘️ How the Book Changed Me
I have to say that I meditated or did the Wim-Hof Method for a long time so t V in S.A.V.E.R.S was not something new, but I never considered to do Exercising and Visualization. I always worked out in the evening, and although in the morning I only do push-ups and sit-ups and not a real workout, I still have the same benefits as in a normal workout. Your blood flow increases your mental clarity and your overall mood and awareness. The same is with Visualization. I already did that in Sports before a game, but I never considered using the benefit of Visualization for improving my overall day. So, in conclusion, I can say that I definitely will continue to do the miracle morning and that I will do the 30 days and give you guys an update on how it went and what the difficulties were. Stay tuned.
⏲ Updates
Update 30 Days
After 30 Days of doing the miracle morning consistently every day I see the benefits of the miracle morning clearly. My energy levels during the day are higher and I can focus better on tasks I have to do. Also, I now wake up in the morning and I don't need as much energy anymore to go out of bed because I have a strict routine and I know I want to finish all the elements of the S.A.V.E.R.S in the morning. Probably the biggest benefit is that you feel less grumpy in the morning because after the E (Exercise) you are widely awake, and you feel the benefits of increasing your blood flow. So I will definitely not stop on Day 30 and I will continue doing my Miracle Morning.
Update 60 Days
After 60 Days, I changed a lot in my Miracle Morning. I started doing a 5-min Ab-Workout and every second day I stretch for 5 minutes. Also, I restarted doing my gratitude journal where I journal down 5 things every day that I am grateful for. The Benefits of the Miracle Morning are still there, but I don't feel them as strong anymore because you get used to the benefits of the Miracle Morning. What I do feel, however, is when I don't do the Miracle Morning because the difference is profound.
With regards
Devin Hasler